What is FTP and How to Use it? What are FTP Commands?

Internet - TE Bilişim

What is URL? What is it used for? What does URL do?

A URL (Unified Resource Locator) is an addressing system used to access resources (files, pages, images, etc.) on the internet. URLs provide information to web browsers to request a specific resource. A URL consists of several different components, such as a protocol, domain name, domain extension, path, and file name. For example, the URL “https://www.google.com.tr/search?q=url&oq=url&aqs=chrome.0.0i131i433i512j46i131i433i512j46i131i433i512j69i60l2.784j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8” […]


What is Spam? What are the Harmful Effects of Spam Content?

Spam refers to unwanted or deceptive electronic mail, messages or content. Types of spam content include advertising, phishing, virus or malware content, fake news or information-containing content. The harms of spam content include stealing people’s information, making systems vulnerable to malicious software, or deceiving people. Spam is usually created by automatic software or fraudulent means […]